Saturday 30 June, 2012

Democracy 2.0

What comes to your mind when you hear the word – ‘Democracy’  Ponder over this question once before you hop onto the next line . Is it just- Voting machine, Parliament house, constitution, or a mere chapter in your political science book? Is that what democracy means to us today? Abraham Lincoln once told and I quote– “government of the people, by the people, and for the people”. Is today’s democracy by the people? Aristotle defined democracy as ‘rule by the many’. Are many of us ruling the country today? These are the questions that come to my mind, whenever I think of Democracy. We are definitely part of a democratic society - But to what extent or degree? We just cast our vote against or for a political leader. Is that the end of our engagement in the democracy? Or  is that our only  responsibility? In todays’ world when people like Anna Hazare have shaken the basic foundation of ‘Democracy’ in our country, its surely a time to think of something better or more advance than the current system – Democracy 2.0. I am sure you must have heard the word at least once in the past  1 year, as this was the most traded word in search engines in India for a period. What is democracy 2.0? It’s an advanced approach to govern people; it’s all about empowering people; engaging more and more people in the system to take the country forward. Do you really think those 800 MPs have all the knowledge and expertise to run the country in the best possible manner or do you believe that we have sufficient number of law enforcement officers everywhere to keep a check on the  law and order? If you really feel the answer of these questions are ‘No’ then it’s time to utilize your skills and effort to govern the country.

There are people in the country who want to be a part of the democratic system, but the options are very limited to them. The Only way to be part of the system seems to be a candidate in election. If you can’t contest then other options will be to join government offices where policies get decided. Less than 1% of Indian people are in that category. What about others? Can’t you be part of government, working for a multinational company? Many people thought about it when Lokpal movement in India was on its peak. Democracy 2.0 is all about empowering people to be part of the system – willingly. And that’s when we can enrich our system with tons of knowledge and intelligence that we bring to the system. Engaging more and more people in it will not only season and strengthen the system but also will help us to change our mentality from classifying things according to ownership – this is mine/our and this is public/government property. If we all are part of the government, then everything in this country should be as much as mine as someone else’s. So let’s take the first step and discuss some ideas which can empower people to govern the system.

Let’s attack one major problem in India. Traffic. When you roam around in any first world country – you see people follow the traffic laws like religion which in turn results in less accidents and more traffic safety. But why? Are those people more civilized than us, or they are habituated to go by the law and we are not? I am sure even you don’t agree on those aforementioned reasons, like me. So what’s the secret? If you scrutinize, you will notice – it’s the strict policing. You break a rule – there will be a police officer nearby to catch hold of you, if there is no cop standing on the road – there must be some camera which is surveillancing on you. And if you are caught in action, a huge fine is imposed on you then and there. You will be alert not to break a single rule even when you can’t see a policeman near you. Can we implement the same in India? That’s the question we will try to answer today. Now, in India we simply know that we neither have that many policemen to be in every corner of the country nor can we install security cameras on every road. Then?

Aren’t there enough people who drive their cars abiding by the traffic rules? And also want others to do the same? What about empowering them to do the policing when a policeman is not around? Let’s take help of technology to empower them and build a solution. First invite people for this voluntary service, and sort them out according to their skills and records. Next task will be to train them. Whenever they find any person breaking the law- their duty is to report them to police with full evidence, so that police can take action. Now to report an incident like that the volunteer will require a tool, - we will use a smart phone for that. A simple android application will be built and installed in every volunteer’s phone. Even a java application can also be built to fit all. Then? Then there will be a centralized server to host some services. Anytime a volunteer sees a biker moving too fast and riding without helmet – what he needs to do is just to open his phone, start the application and click. The application will capture the latitude and longitude of the location from phone’s GPS, and will capture video or still photo using phone’s camera. Then will post the whole message to the centralized service using phone’s EDGE/3G connection. A police man, seating in a control room can review these messages and can put charges against the biker. That’s it.

This solution is just a thought or an idea and not a full proof government policy. There are so many technicalities involved in it. We all with our expertise need to have a debate on it and then the idea will mature to a policy design. This idea is to give you an example – how with little help from Technology we can empower willing people to be aide to the government agencies and be part of the system not only to improve it but also to help all of us inch in to the concept of Democracy 2.0.

Tuesday 16 August, 2011

Unplanned Long Drive to Chandipur

Had a wonderful long drive experience on Saturday morning from Kolkata my home to Balasore. Excellent road, fantastic weather and unplanned long weekend. After 285Km drive from City center II via Jassore road -> Belghoria expressway -> Nivedita Setu -> NH6 -> Kolaghata -> Kharagpur -> NH60 -> Jaleswar -> Balasore we ended up at Chandipur. Complete 4 channel excellent road , and on top of that NH60 made of cement. Jut wow !

There are hardly 6-7 hotels in Chandipur and all were completely booked up mostly by Bengalis for the long weekend. Coming on a weekend to place like Chandipur without booking can surely give you a tough challenge. Luckily we got a double room in a hotel which is just getting decorated. Hotel Shila. Best place to stay in Chandipur is surely OTDC Panthanivas. If not at least – Hotel Subham.

The best feature of Chandipur sea is surely the low tide phase. The coast land is so flat that once water level goes down – water moves back kilometers. You can walk inside the sea for about 4-5 KMs. It’s fantastic. To enjoy this unique behavior you need to stay at least 24 hours there.

Chandipur is famous for DRDO Interim Test Range. DRDO tests all kind of missile from Chandipur. Latest test news I knew is Prithvi on March 2011. ITR facility is completely out of tourist reach, you can only see vehicles coming and going from the highly secure main gate of ITR. Or with your high zoom camera lens you can max check out their sea side buildings. If you have reference in Defense department can make temporary pass for a day visit to ITR.

After 2 nights stay in Chandipur we started our return journey on Monday morning. Before hitting the road back to Kolkata we thought to give a visit to the hill area of Balasore. The nearest place – Nilgiri. It’s the entry point for Kuldiha forest. A perfect landscape. 32 KM from Balasore the Nilgiri hill is really beautiful. Drove our car on hilly roads and clicked many stunning photographs. Panchalingeswar is a famous place for pilgrims. It’s on a top of a hill. Our car went to the maximum limit possible and then by foot to the top. If you want you can even stay there on the way to the hill in OTDC Pathanivas. A good place to enjoy cool life for 2-3 days.

Around 10 we started our journey back to Kolkata. With the great road condition we were at Kharagpur around 12. After a gala lunch at Share e Punjab of Kolaghata we ended our unplanned three days 650 KM journey at my home by afternoon.

Monday 24 August, 2009

Mandarmoni Weekend Break

After a few tough and hardworking weeks in office we escaped to seashore for a break. I wanted to have some time out side of office. As all 8 of us were from same office rather same project and same team too we didn’t able to refrain talking about project details, not only on our way to the place but also while having drinks to celebrate good time.

We hired a Scorpio CRDe to grab all the fun in spite of the fact that me and one another pal wanted to enjoy the long drive with our own cars. But boss (who was boss in office and outside office too... :) ) didn't want that. He insisted us to hire a car only. So we did. Actually he did.

Mandarmoni is a very good place for a weekend break. You can just fix everything on Friday and can have a long drive. Most of the resorts are almost on the beach. We started around 10 AM in the morning.
Last night my job was to pick up few bottles of drinks as we were confident that we will not get our brands at the seashore or else the cost will be too high. We first stopped at Kolaghata. Few of us started boozing from the dhaba only. Masti began. We enjoyed a lot on our way to the place. Around 3 we were at our resort.

The resort was good. Anyhow we required few AC rooms for a night just. As soon as we got the keys we dressed up for the sea and opened the bottles. After few glasses we hit the sea. It was 4:30 in the afternoon and we were at sea. We enjoyed the sunset being in the water and then only we get up and headed towards the rooms. Basically we were tiered fighting with the waves. Hee hee. Who knows how long we would have been there if sun was not setting. Thanks to my waterproof watch ( ;) ) we know we were almost 1 hour 40 minutes in the water for the day.

We had our lunch at around 6:30 while other guests were having evening snacks. Who cares? It was really a pleasant evening. I can see many more stars at sky, night was darker, no body was speaking, no cars were honking but there was no silence. The sea was so restless. It was making up the background score. Just after lunch (sorry, I donno any other word) we decided to breakdown our own nervous system by allowing our own blood to carry more alcohol to the head cells. We finished almost 10 plates of salad, 5-6 plates of chicken, etc. in due course. All credit goes to sea. It made us so tiered and hungry I can’t explain. At 11:30 we had our so called dinner and had a very good sleep just after that.

I usually get up around 11-12 in the morning so 5:30 in morning was just mid night for me. Can’t help it man when you are sleeping in a same room with Boss!! With half opened eyes we all walked at least 3KM on the beach under leadership of boss. Mandarmoni beach is called as longest drivable beach in Asia. And we were walking. :( . I will suggest you to definitely have a drive on the beach. But beware of the getting stuck on wet sand. May be you can keep a pieces of wooden ply to put under your wheel when you are stuck. Otherwise local people are very much ready to help you on those occasions for few thousands bucks.

After complementary breakfast we again hit the sea. This time we had a ball to play. Mandarmoni beach is almost a virgin beach and you can see very few people on the sea so you can enjoy most there. We also enjoyed a lot in the sea. Again thanks to my waterproof watch we know exactly 3 hours 15 minutes we were on the sea on Sunday. At last we get up, had our lunch (this time almost on time) and started our journey back home.

Around 8PM I was at my Saltlake home. It was really an enjoyable trip. We all enjoyed a lot. We tried hard to stop discussing about data, process, project blah blah blah but we didn’t able to resist. And let me tell you those discussions were really enjoyable. Two of us lost their spectacles in the sea on the first day and on Sunday morning one of them was trying to find out his specs on the sand with a concept that sea returns everything. That was the funniest moment of the trip. He was literally asking everyone if they have seen any specs on the beach or not. Ha ha ha. You would have seen it.

Pack your gears up and go for the trip. It’s really a nice place. Book the resort well advance; you can have the contacts from net. Wish you a happy journey.

Tuesday 23 June, 2009

What is destiny?

Let’s see what Sadhguru is talking about it:

In this world it is a fact that - whenever you succeed it’s you and whenever you fail its destiny. Whenever you are successful you are proud of it, somewhere you are taking credit of it. Whenever you fail it must be God's will. Or anything you can’t understand has to be God's will.

So many things which were destiny few years ago are not destiny now. Like: 100 years ago you were young and you died at 30 years of age that was destiny. Now if you die at 30 today you know why. You are smoking, drinking, you are eating outside - you are killing yourself. We know the reason. So its not destiny anymore, we know why.

Still in villages if power goes off - people utters "... Hey lord, again power off ...Why this is happening with us". But you know that God is not responsible for the power cut rather Power Company or grid is.

So, lot of things which were destiny previously, is no more destinies now. Why? Because, our scope of understanding is increasing. As the scope of our understanding is enhanced, more and more things are coming out of list of destiny and becoming our own responsibility.

Everything is in our own hand. As our understanding and perception of life deepens we can see everything is in our own hand. If our understanding of life and perception is very superficial everything looks like its happening from some where behind.

What you call as destiny - those dimensions of life which we have created unconsciously. Whatever we create unconsciously can be created consciously too. If we are creating it unconsciously then it will look like destiny, if we do it consciously it will look like our own responsibility.

In our country there never been anything called destiny. Destiny definition came from other countries. In our country every time it was told that whatever you do you will be paid for it. 'Karma'. You leave or die it’s your Karma. Karma means - your action. So you leave well or barely it’s your karma or action. May be large part of our actions are unconsciously. But that doesn't matter. Whatever we are doing - consciously or unconsciously is your own action. So when we say Karma - there is no destiny everything is yours.

Your views please......

Monday 4 May, 2009

Me & My Work

At last i just started writing my own blog, seriously. Sometimes back, one of my very good friend, rather my biggest fan inspired me a lot to start my own blog. That point of time i was not so much interested but atleast started. Today i though about it again and started typing it. But this time seriously and with some recent story.
Here is the story. Which starts from last to last friday night.
As you all know i work in a software company and one of my job is to make every deployment successful. On last saturday we had a big deployment. A quarterly deployment, which we call R894. For the people who dont understand these software jargon's - Deployment is a process to upload the changes or development made in a software in live server. So that the changes can be used by the users in production. And R894 stands for Release of 4th quarter of 2008-09. I was kind of responsible to make sure smoothness of the deployment. So i stayed late at office on friday night. Spoke to every stack holders to make sure everything is correct. But i had no intention to come next day morning. Rather had a plan to leave for my native.

On Saturday morning, i was in touch with the team mates who were actively participating in the deployment activity. Few hours later some bad news came from the field that deployment had some issue. I had to rush to office. I packed my bags and then reached office. I was thinking everything will be fine in next 1 hour so i will leave for my hometown by then. But i was little unfortunate. I managed to fix things up at around 7:00 PM. Till then i had nothing as my breakfast or lunch. Anyways, i started for my place with a hope that now everything will be fine.

My car started running over century KM per hour speed on the road, Sony explode was shouting like anything to entertain me so that i can spare my brain not to sense that i am hungry. I reached home with a happiness that my whole days effort was useful and now i can have home made meal and sound sleep. Actually i had everything. Only time to time i just spoke to guys seating in office to get the update. It was so far so good.

Next day morning i got a call from office at 9:00 AM. One of my colleague, who was in office for whole night called me for some help. I was really surprised with the fact that they were in office for whole night. They even asked me to come to office, but it was not possible for that point of time so i started supporting them oer the phone. On a sunny sunday i was seating at home with ear plags on listening to the conversations. And also was trying to help those poor guys to fix the problem. At around 3:00 PM everything was calm, apparently. People left office with a hope that everything will be ok afterwards. I was at home only.
At around 7:00 i went out with my friends. We took a bike and roam here and there and then settled at one of our friend's gift shop. We ordered cold drinks, snacks and were realy enjoying time. Around 8:00 PM i got a call from an unknown cell number. ".... hi prithwiraj da ... ___ here.. can you join this call... one of our senior manager wants you to be in that call...".. I joined that call... but didn't able to get out of it in next 6 days..... rest is some memorable moments in my life... ...

Friday 17 October, 2008


Lets start blogging...
I will allow my biggest fan to start first.. because she insisted to stat me a thread.. Thats what i am doing now....
Let blogg then.. :)